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Creating visual content



Visual content is usually image-based and may include pictures, drawings, diagrams, charts, infographics, videos, photographs and computer-generated designs.

Educators can use several user-friendly creation tools to create learning resources based on image, video, animation, infographics, etc. Examples are:

  • Canva – to create, edit and share customised images;
  • Fotor – for photo editing, photo effects, and image retouching;
  • Pablo – to combine images with text (including filters);
  • Photo Collage – to create picture collages automatically, to which text can be added;
  • Google Photos – to automatically create short movies and animations with photos uploaded by the user;
  • Powtoon – to create resources that may integrate videos and presentations; etc.

Presentation Creation Tools
There are also some tools that can be used to develop personalised elements for the spaces, such as: the Bubbli app, which allows to create 360-degree spherical photos; Vistacreate to personalise logos from templates; etc.

Educators can also integrate the created materials to produce multiformat digital learning resources, or even ask learners to develop multiformat learning outputs, also promoting the development of their creativity,  as well as their communication and digital competences.