EDUdig Erasmus+ Project Closing Conference
at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Linz
24 and 25 April 2023
Conference in cooperation with the Teaching Day*
(“Tag der Lehre” FH OÖ)
Topic: Practical aspects of the development of educators’ digital competences
We would like to invite you to participate and submit your abstracts for the EDUdig Closing Conference on 24 and 25 April 2023.
Abstracts should be written in English, the official language of the event.
With the participation you benefit from the project results and to take part in exciting discussions on the development of educators’ digital competences.
*Find more in Organisational details
EDUdig Project
Sustainable higher education is characterised by competence-based teaching which, in addition to the development of subject-specific competences, focuses above all on the development of transversal competences (problem-solving competence, creativity, etc.). To support this competence development, (digital) teaching methods are needed that support self-organised, autonomous and collaborative working/learning.
The Erasmus+ project EDUdig addresses this call for (digital) learning and teaching methods and focuses on structuring and preparing of digital, competence-oriented teaching methods. Based on the EU framework (Digital Competences for Educators), didactical concepts and methodologies for online teaching are collected and made available online for further use.
Educators can benefit from following project outputs:
- EDUdig content collection: Pedagogical concepts and digitally supported teaching and learning methods. Available online – https://edudig.eu/
- Online training: Cross-institutional training on collaborative learning. 25 hours of synchronous and asynchronous training sessions with participants from Austria, Finland, Portugal and Germany.
- E-teaching manual: The materials developed for online training are made available to all educators in the form of an e-handbook/manual.
Focus of the EDUdig Closing Conference
The conference focuses primarily on the practical aspects of digitally supported teaching and the competences required. The following sub-themes serve as a thematic framework.
1 – Digital competences of educators
- Status quo: What is the reality of digital teaching? Which didactical concepts are applied and with which digital tools are they implemented? What personal, pedagogical and digital competences are required for successful and diverse online teaching?
- Vision: What framework conditions, methodologies and tools are desirable in order to design diverse teaching and support students in self-directed learning?
- Implementation: How should e-learning resources be prepared to ensure straightforward, intuitive use?
2 – Digitally-enhanced collaborative learning
- Challenges in digitally-enhanced collaborative learning: What are the challenges for the students as well as for lecturers within collaborative learning settings in an online environment? What personal, professional and interpersonal factors play a role in addition to the omnipresent technical challenges?
- Design collaborative learning settings: How to design collaborative learning settings by using gamified elements or media formats such as podcasts?
- Team-building as a precondition for successful collaborative learning: What does it take to create a team feeling in the online format? Which methods and alternative technologies can be applied for building teams online? How to facilitate effective online team engagement?
Who should attend?
We invite all educators and interested parties for practice exchange, reflection and development of individual digital pedagogical practice.
Abstract submission
The subject areas of the submission are
- Empirical study
- Case study of teaching practice
Abstracts can be submitted in the following contribution types:
- Presentation of maximum 30 minutes (20 min. presentation, 10 min. discussion).
- Workshop of maximum 45 minutes
- Poster – A0 format
Please assign your contribution to one of the two main topics listed above.
- Abstracts submitted should be approximately 300 words and approximately 50 words short CV.
- Use the template for abstract submission.
- Please submit your contributions in English.
- Please submit the abstract by 10 March 2023 via elearning@fh-linz.at
Important dates
- Please submit the abstract by 10 March 2023 via elearning@fh-linz.at
- A decision on the acceptance of your abstract will be made by 17 March 2023.
- Please register for the EDUdig Closing Conference by 24 March 2023 via elearning@fh-linz.at.
- The conference days: 24 and 25 April 2023
Organisational details
Joint event – EDUdig Closing Conference & Teaching Day – 24 + 25 April 2023
- The EDUdig Closing Conference takes place in cooperation with the Teaching Day.
- The first conference day (24.4.2023) is focusing on the results of the EDUdig project and offers the possibility for intense practical exchange between e-learning experts and educators.
- The second conference day (25.4.2023) will be integrated into the programme of the Teaching Day (“Tag der Lehre”). The contributions submitted will be presented and discussed during the “EDUdig track”.
- The participants of the EDUdig Closing Conference can enjoy all the programme items of the Teaching Day.
The Teaching Day is an annual conference on didactics in higher education at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria that invites and gathers educators of the University and all interested parties for exchange and discussion about innovative teaching, learning, examination, organisation and practice. The language of Teaching Day is mainly German.
Find more information about 11th Teaching Day: Tag der Lehre – FH OOE (fh-ooe.at)
- The EDUdig Closing Conference is free of charge.
- Participants who attend both conference days of the EDUdig Closing Conference can also attend the joint event, the Teaching Day, free of charge.
- Please register for the EDUdig Closing Conference by 24 March 2023 via elearning@fh-linz.at.
- The conference days: 24 and 25 April 2023
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Medical Engineering & Applied Social Sciences
Garnisonstraße 21
4020 Linz – Austria