Content Collection

Digital content creation

To incorporate learning activities, assignments and assessments which require learners to express themselves through digital means, and to modify and create digital content in different formats. To teach learners how copyright and licenses apply to digital content, how to reference sources and attribute licenses.

Facilitating Learners

Educators can design project-based learning assignments which consist of creating large content entities such as journals, websites, or other digital publications.The learning process is then long and entails many publishing related procedures such as a content and channel strategy, content…

As part of learning activities, educators can ask learners to share their digital content online in public. Learners should be guided to consider, what kind of content is suitable to share, where and how and what should be taken into…

Publishing content online requires considering the optimal channel(s). This greatly depends on the targeted audience or stakeholder group. Reaching the right audiences may require using many different channels and tailored content for each channel. Learning activities can encourage students to…

Educators in higher education can help learners to improve their problem solving skills by acquiring expertise in coding and programming.Students may often lack problem solving skills and computational thinking training, both of which are important in learning programming language concepts.…

Teaching writing algorithms requires specific expertise of the educator.Algorithm can be defined as a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer."Algorithms are instructions for solving a problem or completing…

Learning assignments can consist of creating digital products and media such as websites, social media pages, other online media, apps or games. The learning process is then rather long and entails many publishing and technology related procedures such as a…