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Information and media literacy

To incorporate learning activities, assignments and assessments which require learners to articulate information needs; to find information and resources in digital environments; to organise, process, analyse and interpret information; and to compare and critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of information and its sources.

Facilitating Learners

Referencing or citation management tools enable a consistent and correct use of a chosen citation style. Tools Good Reference Management Tools for Manuscripts and Theses – Enago AcademyEndNote: A tool for managing and publishing bibliographies, citations, and references. A…

The are several referencing standards, also called citation styles, to indicate the author or source used in the teaching and learning materials.The citation style depends on the institution and academic discipline involved.Educating students to learn about and utilize the standard…

Use of multiple methods for searching data will increase credibility of the information and add a variety of perspectives for the topic. The approach is based on online group work. Each small student group is advised to use a different…

Organizing and processing information is a very personal skill and unique to each student. However, the educator can teach about different approaches and platforms to organize, process and synthesize information. Retrieved information can be stored and categorized based on, e.g.…

There are plenty of platforms and tools to organize information. The LATCH principle (Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, Hierarchy) provides five methods that we can choose from to organize anything.One example of organizing information is a mind map. "Mind mapping means…

Being able to search for high-quality online sources requires knowledge of the topic area, field-specific media and the general media landscape. Common source credibility criteria apply, but field-specific criteria may be more critical. Thus, each educator should address this topic…