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Learning reflection and evidence – ePortfolio



Collecting evidence of completed learning interventions (e.g. essays, posters, videos, artwork) through an ePortfolio. An ePortfolio can be described as a digital collection of results, performances, or creations. In an academic setting, an ePortfolio is also used to represent a learning process and to enable students to reflect on their learning.
An ePortfolio can be customised by the student and can also include extracurricular experiences like volunteering activities or work experiences. It should provide a good picture of the student’s learning progress and competencies.
ePortfolios give students a virtual space to critically evaluate their learning outcomes, reflect on this work and make connections between different courses and other (extracurricular) activities. They make invisible learning visible!

Digital tools for the storage of performance records and visualisation of learning process/output/progress:


This tool offers students and teachers the possibility to visualise individual learning processes and acquired competences not only for themselves but also for others and to enrich them with multimedia content (photos, videos, voice recordings, presentations, etc.). In addition to the function of a personal digital folder, “Mahara” also allows the simultaneous keeping of several learning journals in the form of blogs, which can be shared with different target groups.