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Students creating podcasts



Students creating podcasts as interviews is an engaging activity that can be performed. In this collaborative learning setting, the students are engaged in the whole process from the beginning, i.e., from the topic definition, searching interview partners, taking and recording the interviews, preparing the material for podcast, and sharing the finished product. Finding an interesting topic can be the most challenging part of this setting – a topic that can truly engage the students with its authentic and practice-relevant (interdisciplinary) approach will let the students go outside the classroom and learn from the good practices.

  • Create groups of students
  • Offer detailed description of the assignment
  • The way it works – provide technical instructions
  • Offer a list of example-questions for the interview
  • Create flyer
  • Provide templates
  • Create a channel for the podcasts
  • Think about follow-up: use the publish podcasts as learning content for other groups of students

Publish podcasts:

Video or audio recording tools – use conferencing tool of your institution

Practical planning guide Creating a podcast