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Preventing (cyber)bullying and conflict resolution skills


Bullying is aggressive and typically repeated behaviour or action that is intended to cause harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual’s reputation or harm to the individual’s property. Cyber-bullying is bullying by using different electronic means to impersonate another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet or to communicate, compromise – embarresse or incriminate – material about someone and posting such material on internet that may be accessed by one or more individuals.

In future scenarios, cyber-bullying prevention may be supported by chatbot software which is embedded into computer-based interfaces. Such chatbots could detect words and tones reflecting violence in discussions and message communications, for example, anger, disgust, fear, sadness, aggressiveness, and racist slurs both in groups and among individuals. If a bullying incident occurs, in a game-style, the chatbot software prompts guided chat between those involved in bullying as perpetrators and victims, as well as several classmates, challenging them to support the victim with the aim of ending the bullying. Educators, principals or educational guidance counsellors are involved in mediation, too, which in many cases also involves parents. (Vuorikari, R., et al., 2020).

Vuorikari, R., Punie, Y. and Cabrera Giraldez, M. (2020): Emerging technologies and the teaching profession. Publications Office of the European Union. [30.8.2022].

Project example:
ENCASE (Enhancing security and privacy in the Social web)