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Supporting learners – motivation profile



Near-future scenario: The university offers a career guidance to all new students in undergraduate programmes. The career guidance focuses in specific interest groups on different job profiles and shows possible career pathways after the bachelor’s degree. Students were also told that they could take a motivation test to profile themselves and use it to discuss drivers that motivate them.

The students are asked if they wish to allow the university to use their motivation profile to suggest additional support services and activities, such as personalised time management support while studying. The automated nudges would be sent as reminders about upcoming tests and assignments with hints on study strategies.

The students could get a personalised job ads and be put in a preferential position for those companies who used such databases to call candidates in for job-interviews. 
(Vuorikari et. al, 2020)


Source: Vuorikari, R., Punie, Y. and Cabrera Giraldez, M., Emerging technologies and the teaching profession, EUR 30129 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-17302-1 (online), doi:10.2760/46933 (online), JRC120183 
NEAR-FUTURE SCENARIOS, 4.2.2 Supporting learners’ social and emotional learning, Scenario 4
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