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Assign roles to students in hybrid/HyFlex settings

Assign rotating student roles
If the educators are working without teaching assistant/ co-instructor or instructional technologists in hybrid/HyFlex settings, it is recommendable to consider asking students to prove class assistance. Assigning rotating student roles with clear expectation what that role means can help that the class flows as planned. The role of students can include monitor chat, especially the posts form remote students. This role can then be assigned to a new student each class-session, distributing the responsibility and promoting inclusion.

Pair up students: peer ‘buddies’
Pairing up in-class and remote students is another possibility to promote inclusion and making sure that the synchronous class-sessions will flow as expected. In smaller classes such as seminars, hybrid/HyFlex educators may consider pairing up in-person and remote students into buddies. In such a setting each in-person student is in constant connection with their remote buddy with camera, chat flow, so that remote students can contribute in class-sessions and discussions.

It is recommendable that in-class students use headsets for group or pair communication to avoid unwanted noise in audio background.