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Plagiarism checkers



To avoid copyright violations students must be taught how to avoid plagiarism by referring to other texts and use citations correctly.

Plagiarism checkers can be integrated in the learning platforms or used separately. The checker makes visible the degree of copied texts and possible plagiarism for both the educator and the students.

There are many kind of plagiarism checkers available, for free or as licensed tools such as Ouriginal/Urkund. They offer students an easy way to check their copy but the most advanced tools offer a versatile approach for educators to prevent and detect plagiarism. It is important that the educator can correctly interpret the results of the plagiarism check.

Online Plagiarism Checker | Copyleaks

Ouriginal: Guides & tutorials – Ouriginal

Online Plagiarism Checker – 100% Free Plagiarism Detector (

Saint Paul’s High School. Plagiarism and Academic Honesty: Types of Plagiarism. Guide to explain what plagiarism is and the consequences. Includes a tutorial and quiz that can be used for classes.

Eaton, Sarah Elaine. 2021. Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic Integrity. 230 pages.