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Polls, votings



Polls and voting activities are one way of keeping students active during online classes.

Polling can be realized with many different technical tools, often integrated in the LMS’s or digital classrooms such as Teams or Zoom.

Examples of other voting tools are Kahoot, Miro, Tricider, Doodle. Another simple approach is using a Padlet wall: create posts and allow likes for the posts. The number of hearts shows which idea/topic was most liked.

Polls, questionnaires or small surveys can also be created using MS Forms or Google Forms.

Kahoot: Polls and word cloud in Kahoot! | How to fuel audience interaction

Mentimeter: Poll Maker: Create Live & Interactive Polls Online – Mentimeter

Tricider – collecting ideas and voting:

Miro whiteboard has a specific voting function: Voting – Miro Support & Help Center in Miro

Doodle: Polls for appointment scheduling, surveys, questionnaires:

Poll Everywhere:

Whitaker, Sarah. 2021. Engaging Learners in Online Classes. Blackboard Inc.: Engaging Learners in Online Classes – YouTube