Examples of starter activities:
- Based on pre-reading the students answer a set of multiple-choice questions in pairs and decide together which answer is the correct one. (Break out rooms)
- The students can be asked to list as many lessons as they learnt in a previous class of the course. This will have them tune in on the topic at hand. (Chat; digital white board)
- The students can be polled during the first session that has them ponder their previous experience with and knowledge of the topics studied, or their expectations for the course.
- Short revision questions for groups to discuss. For example, they can be asked to define new terms or produce a list of five key points on the basis of the answers they produce to the revision questions. (Break out rooms)
- Students can be grouped in groups of 3-4 students and given a list of some key terms from a previous class(es). The teams explain the terms in an online learning collaboration tool, such as Padlet or Miro. Once all the teams have defined their terms, other teams study the definitions and try to identify which terms have been explained. The teams that explained the terms can then give the correct term next to each term once they have been named correctly by other students. The link to the online tool can be saved in the virtual learning environment of the study unit for all students, who can go back to the terms and definitions even later on to refresh their memory or when studying for an exam for instance. (Break out rooms)