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eAssessment of/for/as learning


‘Assessment of learning’ is commonly used for summative assessment purposes and refers to final outcomes of the learners’ learning, e.g. final test results. The concepts of ‘assessment for learning’ and ‘assessment as learning’ can relate to formative assessment but also to summative assessment, given that it is grounded in ‘feedback’ to promote learning. Nonetheless, as to the latter (assessment as learning) the focus is on empowering learner agency by promoting the learners’ self-monitoring, self-regulation and accountability towards their own learning.

In digitally-enhanced learning activities teachers should be aware of the positive impact that programmed, actionable feedback may have on the learners’ learning. Therefore, learners should be clearly informed from the beginning when they are expected to give/ receive feedback concerning their work and fully understand how to use it. Depending on the activity, there are several online tools that teachers and learners can use for these purposes, for example “Feedback activity” in Moodle.