
2.3.3 Guidelines

The educator steps are summarized here:

    In advance:

  1. Choose topics for the teamwork.
  2. Select the appropriate platform and prepare the topic whiteboard.
  3. Prepare a platform and template for teams to agree on rules and practices.
  4. Provide access and editing rights, copy link to be shared for both steps 2 and 3.
  5. Prepare break-out rooms (or similar spaces for initial team networking).
  6. Prepare return box or place where students can return their team canvases.
  7. Prepare written instruction (slides) for the teaming process.

  8. During the online session (in asynchronous learning, guidance can be video recorded, and steps applied to fit a different time progression):

  9. Explain the process for team formation and provide written guidance as well.
  10. Share link and access to the whiteboard.
  11. Ensure enough time for different steps. Make timing transparent for students.
  12. Follow how students are joining different topic teams. Once ready, prompt them to move to meet each other (e.g. break-out rooms). Help students to find the right place, if needed.
  13. Visit teams in the break-out rooms to provide further guidance (if needed) and to hear out how teams are starting their collaborative assignments.
  14. Consider guiding additional team warm-up activities as needed.

  15. After the session:

  16. Continue supporting the online teams regularly and on a needs-basis.
  17. Plan how to include students who were not present in the team formation session (if applicable).

Students are guided as follows (modify as suitable for your online learning implementation):

  1. Access the Topic whiteboard via the given link.
  2. Join one topic team: Fill in one post-it note with your name. Drag the note around the topic you would like to work with. (Special criteria can be given, e.g. maximum five students can join one topic.)
  3. Once your topic is filled, move to your topic break-out room to meet your other team members (break-out rooms prepared in advance and named by the topics).
  4. Start networking: introduce yourself by telling xxx and xxx [e.g. some relevant details of yourself or facts about the subject matter to be studied].
  5. Agree on your team working goals and style by filling in the basic Team Canvas.
  6. Return your Team Canvas in xxxx [e.g. to the relevant digital platform or return box].
  7. Agree on your next team meeting (time and platform).

To fit the whole team formation process in your online session timeframe, time carefully each step and let students know it.

2.3.4 Assessing outcomes
To carry out a self-assessment of the achieved outcomes, the following steps can be taken: